Valerie Vozza

Software Engineer// Full-Stack Web Dev// Cat Mom//

AI-generated image of Phoebe the cat

Hi there, I'm Valerie

I'm a full-stack web developer living in Portland, OR. I build beautiful, responsive websites & web applications with accessibility & SEO in mind

About me

As a developer, I build semantically-structured full-stack solutions to increase productivity & improve organization in personal & professional contexts. I have extensive knowledge of the hospitality & non-profit sectors from years of experience in client-facing & leadership roles. I'm passionate about community, ethical tech, & sustainability. When I'm not coding, I'm probably out for a walk or a bike ride, writing, or hanging out with my cat Phoebe.

Headshot of Valerie the dev Valerie the dev Phoebe the cat Phoebe the cat

Here's some of the tech I use

  • JavaScript
  • C#
  • Node
  • SQL
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • Tailwind
  • VSCode
  • Visual Studio

My work


An application for shelters and non-profits to manage data for essential mail services for clients experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or those who otherwise don't have access to a safe, consistent place to receive mail

JavaScript, Node, Express, Bootstrap CSS, Handlebars, MongoDB



A personal budget tracker with authentication that enables users to add expenses and sources of income and see at a glance how much their expenses are daily, weekly, monthly, & yearly

JavaScript, Node, Express, Tailwind CSS, EJS, MongoDB



A full-stack photo-sharing social media app that enables users to post photos & comment on posts

JavaScript, Node, Express, Tailwind CSS, EJS, MongoDB


Ginger + Oat

A static website for a bakery

JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Site | Repo


A web application that allows the user to enter the UPC of a grocery item & see a list of the product's ingredients & whether or not they are vegan. Built using the Open Food Facts API

JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Site | Repo

MVC Lecture

A lecture on MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture in JavaScript web applications

View | Repo


Collaborated with a team of developers to build this full-stack web app to keep track of all the tasks necessary to keep your furry, feathered, & scaley friends happy & healthy

JavaScript, Node, Express, Bootstrap CSS, EJS, MongoDB

Site | Repo

Get in touch